PhD in Sociology and Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, Yale University (2022-present)
BA Honours in Sociology, University of Cape Town (2020)
Bachelor of Social Sciences in Sociology, Politics, and French Language and Literature, University of Cape Town (2017-2019)

Research Interests

Data Governance, Film, Health & Medicine, Law, Sex & Sexuality, and Science & Technology

Conference Presentations
Law and Society Annual Meeting (1 June, 2023) [San Juan, Puerto Rico], presenter [co-authored with Prof. Alka Menon], “Opening the Black Box: Explaining Automated Software Systems”
Reproductive Justice Graduate Student Conference (31 March, 2023) [New Haven, USA], presenter, “No body’s data: historicizing the right to privacy in the converging realms of reproductive health and digital technologies”
Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship South African Regional Conference (25-26 September, 2020) [virtual due to COVID-19], presenter, “Software with a smile: Theorising the affective labour of Apple’s virtual assistant Siri under surveillance capitalism”
Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship Summer Research Training Program Conference (8 July, 2019) [University of Chicago, USA], presenter, “'Siri, are you spying on me?’ Locating virtual assistant software in surveillance capitalism”

Selected Awards
Max Price and Deborah Posel Honours Scholarship, University of Cape Town (2020)
National Research Foundation Honours Innovation Scholarship (2020)
Honours Merit Scholarship, University of Cape Town (2020)
Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship, University of Cape Town (2019-2020)